A few photos of orchard visitors, all wildlife, not people!
A Hedgehog was rescued from under a water meter cover from the ‘Watermill House’ in Ermine Street and placed in orchard to hopefully get acquainted with our other two. We have a second frog in pond. We’ve had well over thirty ‘Southern Hawker Dragonflies’ emerge so far, plus some ‘Four Spotted Chaser Dragonflies’, ‘Common Darter Dragonflies’ and quite a few ‘Large Red Damselflies’. There are at least 6-10 juvenile newts along with our dozen or so adults, great news. Saw a ‘Mother Shipton’ moth on the cow parsley. The Great-tits and Blue-tits had a good year, with the Great-tits raised two broods in the nest box on pear tree.
Other visitors: ‘Female Southern Hawker Dragonfly’ laying eggs, 'Broad Bodied Chaser Dragonflies’, ‘Banded Demoiselle Damselflies’, and various other damselflies. Juvenile squirrel creating havoc with the birdfeeder, will have to find another way of making a feeder that's rook and squirrel proof!
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